I just had to
share these fabulous articles that I have read on shape.com. Take
a look. Hope you enjoy the read, as much as I did :).
Wrapping Wet Hair Up in a Towel by Jené Luciani

(image courtesy of shape.com)
The strengthening shampoo and conditioner you use aren’t going to help much if you gather your wet locks in a turban on top of your head post-shower. “When wet, hair shafts are like loosened springs that stretch and break more easily,” says New York-based dermatologist Jessica Krant, M.D. So rubbing your tresses with a towel, pulling them into a too-tight wrap, or brushing or combing them too vigorously can all break the hair shafts and lead to damaged, frizzy strands, Dr. Krant says.
Break it: Treat your locks with love by moving down your mane in sections, gently squeezing and blotting out excess water with a towel, says Arleen Lamba, M.D., cosmetic anesthesiologist and medical director of Blush Med Institute in Bethesda, MD. If only a wrap will do, use a white cotton t-shirt instead of a towel, as the fabric is gentler on hair. For tangles, first apply a de-tangling or conditioning spray, and use a wide-tooth comb, which won’t rough up the cuticle as much as a brush does.
Washing Your Face in the Morning by Jené Luciani

(image courtesy of shape.com)
Using harsh cleansers and scrubs in the a.m. can do more harm than good, stripping your skin of essential oils before you even start your day, Dr. Lamba says. “A good skincare regimen means cleansing your face only at night because while you sleep, your skin regenerates, reestablishes its pH, and increases collagen production,” she adds. So why would you want to wash off all this hard work when you wake up?
Break it: Leave the house feeling clean and refreshed without turning your skin into the Sahara by simply splashing with water and applying a moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or higher. If you need to cleanse (perhaps you have makeup left over from last night), use a mild moisturizing cleanser that doesn't contain harsh detergents before applying the same SPF moisturizer, Dr. Krant says. And next time, be sure to remove all of your makeup before hitting the sheets.
These articles are courtesy of Shape Magazine Online. For more on Bad Beauty Habits You Need to Break, click on the link (http://bit.ly/1kOlE7p)
(Follow Jene on Twitter @JeneLuciani)
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